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Articles from September 2011

The inner issues that sabotage our lives

Have you ever noticed that there are certain areas of your life that consistently don’t work? Do the same self-sabotaging behavior patterns and the same upsets keep showing up in your life?

These conditions keep showing up because we create them. We interact with life in a very specific way which produces a very specific result. When you change how you relate to life, you change what happens around you.

The areas of life may seem to be the problem, but they’re not. They are the symptom of something deeper. There will always be an underlying defense mechanism that is creating the problem. This subconscious mechanism creates a state of fear, upset and tunnel vision. It destroys love and forces us to act in a way that sabotages our lives.

The illusion of life and the key to having life work

We live in a wilderness of illusion where all the focus is outside of ourselves. We are convinced that happiness and upsets come from our circumstances. We then go through life trying to force our circumstances to be a certain way.

We think that this will somehow bring us the happiness that we seek, but it doesn’t. It fact, it brings us the opposite. Instead of creating a life of happiness, it creates a state of fear, upset and suffering.

Fortunately, there is another way to live. There are actually two totally opposite realms of life. There is the realm of circumstances and the realm of love.