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Articles from November 2017

The ego – What it is and how it gets us in trouble

Someone recently asked me how I would define ego. It was an interesting question. Here is what I said:

The ego is a false sense of identity fueled by a childhood hurt. It starts as a biological need to protect ourselves from physical threats. Then we experience painful losses of love. This takes the ego to a whole new level.

As little children, we can’t help but create the belief that we are unlovable, not good enough, or some other form of feeling not okay. It’s never the truth, but in the eyes of a little child, it becomes our truth. We then spend the rest of our lives running from this suppressed emotion.

How we create the suffering in our lives

There is a huge difference between the reality of life and our reality. In the reality of life, what’s so is always what’s so. What happened is what happened and your life is exactly the way that it is. Everything can change tomorrow, but at any moment, what’s so is always what’s so. That’s the reality of life.

Then there is our reality. Our reality exists in our mind. It consists of thoughts, feelings, emotions, and opinions. In the reality of life, there are no thoughts or feelings. There is only the truth. Things just are and our feelings about it are totally irrelevant.

To see this in your life, find a time when you were upset. Then notice that something happened. That’s a fact. It happened. Now notice how totally irrelevant your feelings were. Your feelings may affect your future actions, but they don’t change the truth. What happened still happened.