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The Mastery of Life Blog

The purpose of our work is to give you the awareness, the skills, and the support you need to create a great life. Send us your questions and post your comments. To be notified of new blog posts, subscribe in the section to the right.



The ego – What it is and how it gets us in trouble

Someone recently asked me how I would define ego. It was an interesting question. Here is what I said:

The ego is a false sense of identity fueled by a childhood hurt. It starts as a biological need to protect ourselves from physical threats. Then we experience painful losses of love. This takes the ego to a whole new level.

As little children, we can’t help but create the belief that we are unlovable, not good enough, or some other form of feeling not okay. It’s never the truth, but in the eyes of a little child, it becomes our truth. We then spend the rest of our lives running from this suppressed emotion.
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How we create the suffering in our lives

There is a huge difference between the reality of life and our reality. In the reality of life, what’s so is always what’s so. What happened is what happened and your life is exactly the way that it is. Everything can change tomorrow, but at any moment, what’s so is always what’s so. That’s the reality of life.

Then there is our reality. Our reality exists in our mind. It consists of thoughts, feelings, emotions, and opinions. In the reality of life, there are no thoughts or feelings. There is only the truth. Things just are and our feelings about it are totally irrelevant.

To see this in your life, find a time when you were upset. Then notice that something happened. That’s a fact. It happened. Now notice how totally irrelevant your feelings were. Your feelings may affect your future actions, but they don’t change the truth. What happened still happened.
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A new video: The Key to Creating a Great Life


Here is a video that Ryan Peake and I just completed on how to create a great life. The combination of music, video clips, and speaking make it very moving. It is a beautiful reminder of who we are and the opportunity of life. Please watch it and share it. You will be very glad you did.

How emotion creates our lives

I recently woke up in the middle of the night with some very negative thoughts. Then I noticed the negative emotion that I was experiencing. As I relaxed into this emotion, it lost power. My inner peace came back and the negative thinking stopped. As I reflected on what happened, I noticed something interesting.

I noticed the connection between our emotion and our thoughts. The type of thoughts we have are literally determined by our emotion. If you are full of joy, you are going to have positive thoughts. If you are upset, you are going to have negative thoughts

Ultimately, our thoughts are nothing more than thoughts, but we relate to them as though they are the truth of the universe. As we accept our thoughts, they turn into beliefs. These beliefs become our reality and shape our actions. Life then responds accordingly which causes our thoughts to come true. We create our lives by our thoughts, our speaking, and our reality.
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What it means to live in the light

There was a day a while back when I was grumpy and life wasn’t much fun. I was discouraged and negative. Then I went to lunch and saw an old friend. We hugged each other and I experienced a powerful burst of love. All of a sudden, life was wonderful again. I was happy, alive, and very positive. Life was a joy and opportunity was everywhere.

Nothing changed in the realm of circumstances, but everything changed in me. One moment I was in the darkness and in the next moment, I was in the light.

When you are in the light, the circumstances of your life have no power. You are on top of life. You feel good about yourself and the world around you. You also have a very positive attitude. You are positive in your thinking, your speaking, and your actions. You then radiate this positive energy into your life and great things happen around you. You are creative, resourceful, and can see what needs to be done. This is the realm of love, joy, peace, happiness, and miracles.
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