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A fast way to release upsets and restore peace of mind

When we get upset, we become full of negative emotion. Unfortunately, we don’t notice this emotion. All see are the circumstances, but the circumstances aren’t the problem. The circumstances are just triggering the emotion. It’s this negative emotion that gets us in trouble.

It destroys our inner peace and our ability to see clearly. It creates tunnel vision and forces us to act in a way that almost always makes our situation worse. This emotion is very destructive and our body naturally wants to be free of it.

The best way to see how our body releases negative emotion is to look at little children. When a child gets hurt, the child cries and cries. Then, after the child finishes crying, the hurt is all gone.

Little children are able to release emotion quickly because they do something that we don’t notice. They feel their hurt willingly. It’s the willingness to feel the emotion that allows it to come and go.

However, feeling emotion is not enough to release it. It’s how you feel it that determines whether the emotion stays or goes. If you feel the hurt unwillingly or as a victim of your circumstances, the hurt turns into pain and stays. If you take the same hurt and feel it deliberately and purposefully, because you choose to, the hurt comes and goes quickly.

So, the next time you get upset, find the underlying hurt. Then dive into it. Feel it deliberately and purposefully. Reach in, grab it, and pull it out. Feel the hurt of what happened and the deeper hurt of feeling worthless, not worth loving, or whatever your deeper hurt is. If there aren’t any real tears, fake the tears. Faking the tears, coupled with an exaggeration of the emotion is just as effective as the real tears.

The moment you release your negative emotion, your restore your inner peace. You see your situation clearly and can see what needs to be done. You become very effective.

So try it and see what happens. The ability to release negative emotion is one of the most important skills you can ever learn. Learn more about how to heal your hurt.

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