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Perhaps this is what life is all about

In the last week or so, I experienced the passing of some very special people. I didn’t know these individuals personally, but they were special in the lives of my family and friends. This morning, it happened again. A beautiful light in the world just lost his battle with cancer.

For some reason I was deeply moved. The loss brought up lots of sadness. It also put me back in touch with how totally irrelevant our circumstances are. Compared to life, our circumstances are absurdly meaningless. The only thing that matters is the experience of love.

When you are in the experience of love, your mind is still and you are present with who you are. You feel whole and complete. At the same time, you feel humble. Your ego loses power and something beautiful happens. You can experience the presence of God. As you let go of the ego and allow this presence to move through you, miracles can happen.

Perhaps this is what life is all about. Maybe all of life’s lessons and difficult times are brought to us for the sole purpose of learning to let go and trust. Maybe life is constantly trying to push us back to this beautiful state of oneness.

Take a moment and notice what life would be like if you spent most of your time in the experience of love? What would your life be like if your circumstances had no power over you? Notice how much more enjoyable your life would be. Then notice how much more effective you would be. Is this something worth going for? It certainly is to me.

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