The essence of spirituality
The gateway to joy
There are two domains of life. You can either live in the light or the darkness, the oneness or the separateness. When you are in the light, the circumstances of life have no power. You are happy, alive, and free. You are full of love and life works incredibly. When you are in the darkness, the circumstances of life have total power and life is painful.
In this state of darkness, we are convinced that happiness and upsets come from outside of ourselves. We then go through life trying to force people and life to be a certain way. We fight, resist, hang on, and withdraw. We destroy love and sabotage our lives. This is the realm of fear, upset, and suffering.
When we are in the light, the opposite happens. The circumstances of life are irrelevant. The only thing that matters is love. When we are in this state, the focus is on letting go, healing, and connecting with God. We are also very effective. This is the realm of love, joy, peace, happiness, and miracles.
The light and the darkness are both very real. They are opposite ways of being. You can also say that they are opposite directions. You can either have your life be about moving towards the circumstances or you can have it be about moving towards the light.
Go to the light

Take a moment and imagine a beautiful light and in this light, everything works. You can call this light God. You can call it source or you can call it love. I call it God. It doesn’t matter what you call it, but something is there. It is very special and the closer you get to it, the more wonderful your life becomes.
The more you move away from this light, the more you enter the darkness. You become less able to flow with life and life becomes painful. Obviously, the opportunity of life is to move towards the light.
The path to the light is not difficult but you have to seek it. Learn to let go and trust. Live in the experience of love and seek a relationship with God. As you do this, you change the quality of your life and what happens around you.
Experience the presence of God
A while back, I was caught up in the circumstances of life. I had lost my happiness and was in a negative state of mind. Then I looked at the nature of God. In that state of separateness, God didn’t exist. God was just a concept.
A few minutes later I saw an old friend and within moments, I was back in the light. I was happy, alive, and free. Then I looked at the nature of God again. In this new state, God was everywhere. All there is is God and nothing else exists. I felt connected and on top of life.
Nothing changed outside of me. The only change was inside, but with just a slight shift in awareness, I was in back in the light. I was back in the realm where I could experience the presence of God.
When you experience the presence of God, life is wonderful. You can also ask questions and get answers. You can be guided and shown what to do. As you develop this connection, you become the hands and feet of God. God can work through you and miracles can happen. As you develop the ability to live in the light and connect with God, you create a life more wonderful than you can imagine.
Stay connected
To help stay in the light and connect with God, find things you can do that pull you out of the realm of circumstances and put you back in the light. Then do them often. Some people get back in the light by doing yoga or being in nature. Others get restored by meditating, reading, or participating in religious services.
I make the connection by going to a chapel during the week. I go into a meditative state and get connected. I also go for long walks and listen to certain music. This restores my inner peace and my ability to see life clearly. I also get insights and direction. The more I do these things, the better my life works.
Another way to reconnect is to mediate. Get in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Then create the feelings of love and joy. With each breath, breathe in more joy and allow these feelings to gently radiate throughout your body. While you are in this state, create the experience of being in the presence of God. Then bask in the love and the peace. Do this five minutes a day and watch how it changes your life.
It is possible to live in the light most of the time, but remember, it’s more a direction to go than a place to get to. When you go down this path, life gets better and better with each step. Showing people how to live in the light and create great lives is the purpose of our work
The opportunity of life
It is possible to create a life more wonderful than you can imagine, but you have to know how. There are concepts to learn, issues to heal, and action to take. I can walk you through the steps.
If you have an area of life that isn’t working, or if you just want to create a great life, give me a call. We can talk about your situation and create a plan of action. I look forward to hearing from you.