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The illusion of life and the key to having life work

We live in a wilderness of illusion where all the focus is outside of ourselves. We are convinced that happiness and upsets come from our circumstances. We then go through life trying to force our circumstances to be a certain way.

We think that this will somehow bring us the happiness that we seek, but it doesn’t. It fact, it brings us the opposite. Instead of creating a life of happiness, it creates a state of fear, upset and suffering.

Fortunately, there is another way to live. There are actually two totally opposite realms of life. There is the realm of circumstances and the realm of love.

When you are in the realm of love, you are happy, alive and free. You feel good about yourself and good about life. You see life clearly and are very effective. You have a positive attitude. Solutions appear and great things happen around you.

This is the realm of love, joy, peace, happiness and miracles. When you are in this state, you are living in the light. This is the realm where life works.

The opposite state is the realm of circumstances. When you are in this state, life is on top of you. All your focus is on your circumstances. You fight, resist, hang on and withdraw. You close down and become very negative. You then radiate this negative energy into the world around you and negative things show up.

This is the realm of fear, upset and suffering. When you are in this state, you are living in the darkness. This is also the realm where we spend most of our lives. This is a very painful, destructive state.

We don’t notice that that there are two totally different realms of life and we don’t notice that we have a choice as to which realm we live in.

Somewhere in the Bible it says, “I give you life and I give you death. Choose life.” It’s talking about the light and the darkness. Obviously, the opportunity is to choose the light. This is the key to having life work. This is also the essence of spirituality.

To live in the light, we need to break out of the illusion of darkness. To do this, there needs to be an awakening. We need to know on an experiential, heart level, that the circumstances are an illusion and that the light is a very real place to live.

There are different ways to accomplish this. Our weekend workshop, Return To The Heart, is one of the best. It is a quick and easy way to change your life.

All of our work is about having people gain this awakening and live in a way that has life work. To learn more, give us a call. We can talk about your situation and create a plan for what needs to be done. You can also learn more by visiting www.masteryoflife.com

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