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Trust that you will always be okay

At any moment, the circumstances of your life are the way that they are. This is true whether you like it or not. When you can flow with the truth of the way your situation is, you see clearly and can see what needs to be done. Look at the areas of your life that work great. These are areas where you can flow with whatever happens. Now look at the areas of your life that don’t work. These are areas where you can’t flow.

When you fight the truth of the way your situation is, you create a state of fear, upset and tunnel vision. You destroy your ability to find solutions and force destructive behavior. The moment you let go of the resisting, everything changes. You see your situation clearly. Solutions appear and this area of life starts clearing up.

The ability to let go and flow with life is one of the most important skills you can ever learn. It removes the emotion and allows you to see what action you need to take. To make the process of letting go a lot easier, there are two steps you can take. The first step is to trust. Trust that you will be okay no matter what happens. When you know that you will be okay no matter what happens, your circumstances lose power and letting go becomes relatively easy.

Ultimately, trust is a choice. It is something you create. You create trust by your declaration. “I will be okay no matter what happens. I trust, just because I say so.” The more you trust, the more you are able to let go. Solutions appear, problem areas clear up, and you become more able to trust.

Trusting is also telling the truth. You really will be okay no matter what happens. A good way to see this is to look at your life. You have had difficult times before and you have made it through every one of them. If you are in a difficult time now, this too will pass. Difficult times don’t come and stay. They come and go. How fast they go depends on whether you fight them or flow with them. When you flow with a difficult time, it comes and goes quickly.

In terms of spirituality, difficult times are brought to us. They are brought to us for our healing and our growth. They force us to look at areas we wouldn’t otherwise look at. They put our issues in our face so we can heal them. They kick us out of the nest and they get us ready for our future.

Difficult times are brought to us for our good. Look at the difficult times in your past and notice that good has come from every one of them. So trust. Trust that you will be okay no matter what happens.

The second step in letting go is to be willing to feel your hurt and get this negative emotion out of you. This is extremely important because it’s the automatic avoidance of this emotion that forces us to fight, resist, hang on and withdraw. We’ll talk more about this in the next newsletter.

If you are having trouble letting go or if you have an area of life that isn’t working, give me a call. I can show you how to let go of the resisting and resolve the problem area. A couple of sessions can create a healing and an awareness that will change your life.

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