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What keeps life from working?


We fight the truth.

At any moment, your life is exactly the way it is. The people in your life are the way they are and what happened is what happened. How we feel about it is totally irrelevant. What’s so is still what’s so.

When you are at peace with the truth of the way your situation is, you are very effective. You may not like what you see, but you see clearly and can take action based on facts instead of emotion. You also look in a direction where solutions and opportunity show up. Look at the areas of your life that work great. These are areas where you can flow with whatever happens.

Now look at the areas of your life that don’t work. These are areas where you can’t flow. Instead of focusing on solutions, the focus is on resisting. This creates a state of fear and upset. It destroys your ability to see clearly and forces destructive behavior. Instead taking action based on facts, your actions are based on emotion.

If you have a relationship or any area of life that isn’t working, you are fighting the truth of the way something is. Instead of resolving the problem, you tend to make it worse.


So why do we fight the truth?

We fight the truth because the truth hurts. It strikes a nerve. It triggers an emotion that we don’t want to feel. It’s the automatic, subconscious avoidance of this emotion that forces destructive behavior and keeps our lives from working. It destroys love and sabotages our lives.

Fortunately, all of this can be reversed. You can heal this hurt and restore your natural effectiveness. When this happens, you see your situation clearly and automatically look in a direction where solutions and opportunity show up. Love returns and the problem area starts clearing up.

All of this can happen and it can happen quickly. I have just written a short book that shows you how. The book only has 32 pages, but it provides an awareness and a healing that can profoundly change your life.

To learn more about the book and to read the first chapter, go to www.masteryoflife.com/working.html.

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